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We are currently using CBS material (Community Bible Study Material) in our home groups and midweek bible studies & The CBS approach to Bible study has 5 ways of bringing the Word into our hearts:​


1. Study at home

Search the Bible with the help of the questions and find treasures about Jesus you didn’t know were there!


2. Group Discussion

Come and share those treasures with a group of people as they share theirs with you! Reflect together on how this might change your lives.


3. Talk

Listen to a talk which wraps it all up and helps you respond to God’s Word, living it out week by week.


4. Commentary

Read a commentary which takes your mind deeper and challenges your heart too.


5. Caring

Love, care and be cared for in a group of people who are learning to love like Jesus loved.


Weekly Bible Study

Mission & Purpose : Bible Study exists to make disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ in our communities, through in-depth, caring Bible studies available to all.


There’s something breathtakingly beautiful that happens when God gets hold of our hearts and minds and invites us on a journey of discovery. The big questions of “who we are” and “why we’re here” are no longer hopeless wanderings; instead, these questions are replaced with a deep knowing that God is alive and speaks with love, mercy and grace.


It’s been our experience that as we grow to know God and love God, the most beautiful stories emerge: stories of healing and friendship, of restoration, of growth and perseverance, of joy in the face of adversity, of triumph. We have seen people flourishing, developing and gaining confidence in their Christian life. New life is how we describe this real experience of getting to know God in a deeper way.



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